Friday, March 22, 2013


On Thursday, March 21st, we celebrated the 161st birthday of the Relief Society with a dinner and program. Darsi sent each member of the group a $5 bill with instructions to use it to do good in some way. This project inspired us to do many things, both on our own and in groups. Some pooled their money and sent it along to those in need, some pooled their resources and used them to brighten the lives of others. We heard stories of meals made, houses cleaned, books bought, money given to charities, anonymous gifts delivered and many more. Everyone who talked about this project said that it gave them the most wonderful feeling to do something for someone else. Darsi was truly inspired to ask us to embark on this journey of service.

Many thanks to those who helped with the evening: all those who brought the soup, the bread and the salads, and the Additional Meeting Committee (Crystal Schreck, Kristine Bullen, Jenny Bluhm, Jane Rhodes and Mary Alice Hatch).

Jane decorated the room with beautiful flowers and white tablecloths, paper chains and some of what I call "paper lace." So pretty and clean and bright. Just what we need to help us through what seems to be a never-ending winter. It is definitely spring in name only at this point (March 22, 2013)!

We began our evening with a dinner of soups, salad and bread. Following that we had a program with a talk by Darsi, who reported that she had an idea to send each of us $5. After she had this idea, she was looking on Wikipedia and found out that when the Relief Society was being formed, Joseph Smith donated money to help it get off the ground. The amount? Five dollars!  This confirmed to Darsi that her idea was right on track.

Some sisters reported on what they did with their $5, and then some committee members read other sisters' stories that were sent in by email.

Crystal Schreck made a beautiful slide show of our past Additional Meetings. There was nice music and the photos were fun to see - we have done a lot of fun and fulfilling things.

The evening concluded with some cake to celebrate the birthday of the Relief Society - 161 years and still going strong!

We had so many sisters at this meeting - every seat was filled!

Thanks to everyone who made this evening a great success!

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