Wednesday, October 17, 2012


On Friday, September 21st, we had our Third Annual Relief Society Retreat. For the second year in a row, it was held at the beautiful home of Julie Marriott. We are very grateful to her!

We arrived to beautiful table decorations by Jane Rhodes and delicious food. There was lots of time for talking and eating and laughing and general enjoyment.

Our guest speaker was Jane Clayson Johnson. She spoke to us about whether we are going to live "in camouflage" or be more bold about sharing our beliefs. Sometimes we may be the lone voice speaking up for what is right, but often others agree and are happy we have the courage to defend our convictions.

We had cookies for dessert and a fire in the fire pit. There was more talking and laughing until it was time to go to bed.

The next morning, some of us took a walk and we had some great classes.

Mary Alice Hatch taught a class on design. We learned about color choices and furniture makers, lighting and many other aspects of decorating our homes.

Kim Wilson taught a class on photography, emphasizing basic principles and good techniques.

Penny Nickle taught a class on making church quiet books.

The versatile and talented Kim Wilson also taught us how to make homemade whole wheat bread. Even if we have a Kitchen Aid and not a Bosch. . .

There was a delicious lunch and then it was time to go. What a fun-filled, inspirational weekend it was!

On our way out, there were gifts - Jane Rhodes gave us each a beautiful crystal candle holder complete with a votive candle, and there were also spice-scented candles for us to take.

Many thanks to everyone who helped put this event together. It was a huge success!

We are looking forward to next year's retreat already!

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