Friday, June 22, 2012

Relief Society Birthday Celebration

In March, we had an Additional Meeting celebrating the birthday of Relief Society. This wonderful organization has been in existence for 170 years! And we marked the occasion with decorations by Jane Rhodes, some delicious food and a wonderful speaker.

Kathy Hughto, who is a friend of Darsi Dowling's from Wellesley, spoke to us. She volunteers at the women's prison in Framingham, helping the inmates to foster communication with their children through a program where they are recorded reading books to them. This program is always looking for books, so we brought books for her to share with the women, who will then share them with their children.

Kathy spoke to us of the feelings these women have of being forgotten, of not being heard, and of the despair they sometimes feel as they strive to come to grips with their problems. She told us what she does there that is the most important: she shows up. That is what she does that means the most to them.

We felt an overwhelming gratitude for the blessings of the gospel as we heard the stories of substance abuse that Kathy related. We are protected from so many of the problems these women face simply through obedience to the commandments and by following the Word of Wisdom.

Kathy thanked us profusely for the books, saying that the women at the prison will feel so loved, so special, when they see these books, knowing they were for them. It was such a small thing to do that will have such a lasting impact on more than one generation.

Jane Rhodes decorated the tables with oilcloth from Ikea that comes in a roll topped by brown kraft paper. She custom made the labels on the water bottles and gave us each a gift of a succulent in a cute white pot. There were kraft paper pouches with our silverware and balloons to add to the festivity of the occasion.

 The food was delicious, of course.

Happy  Birthday, Relief Society!

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