Saturday, March 21, 2015

Bloom Where You Are Planted

On March 19th, we met at Mary Alice's house to hear some inspiring stories of personal growth from Tiffany Lund, Kendall Clites and Allison Packard. 

Tiffany recently started a new job. She related her dissatisfaction with her old job and the steps she took to look for a new one. She feels that the things she had no control over that went her way were blessings from the Lord. One way Tiffany felt growth was in having the confidence to apply for a job that someone told her she had no chance to get. She got the job and is so much happier. And her commute was cut in half - WIN!

Kendall told us about an experience she had in Costa Rica which started out to be one thing and turned out to be quite another. Her volunteer assignment became a supervisory role when someone backed out at the last minute. Kendall felt a lot of growth while fulfilling this role, both in the administration of her duties and in a personal way. 

Sister Packard talked to us about some of the ways she has grown during her mission. We grow by having experiences that help us understand the needs and feelings of others. She has learned that the Lord will come through in large and small ways to help her if she asks. She learned to love the person in front of her, All of these things are areas of growth for her - she feels that when she is so busy and overwhelmed that she doesn't have time to read her scriptures and pray, that is when she should just drop everything and do it. She is looking ahead for more opportunities for growth in her next adventure!

Mary Alice showed us a Mormon Message, and we each got a spring plant to take home. The green sprouts were very comforting to look at, since the ones in our own yards are covered with snow at the moment. 

Thanks to Ginny Woodworth, who decorated our plant pots with burlap and a cute ribbon. They look very stylish!

Our snacks (Chips and yummy vegetables!) were provided by Michelle Ainge. Thank you, Michelle!

A special thanks to Mary Alice for hosting us. We were all happy to get together and celebrate growth and spring! 

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