Thursday, January 24, 2013

In November, we had a meeting that combined delicious food with service for homeless teens. It was a memorable and satisfying event!

We started by making fleece scarves in various prints and bright colors and went on to making "care packages" for the teens, filled with toiletries. We made an assembly line and had the bags filled in a very short time. Mary Alice then whisked them into big black garbage bags and delivered them to some shelters in Boston.

And now on to the Thanksgiving feast! Ginny Woodworth decorated our tables with items from her home. They were beautiful! So many details with a different theme for each table.She placed pictures of loved ones on one table and special books on another. The combination of real and purchased gourds was charming.

Then there was the food! Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, salads, other delicious desserts. . . the meal was SO delicious! Those who brought food shared their recipes and everyone left feeling great!

I was so delighted by the food, in fact, that I did not take a single picture of anything that was served - I was too busy eating, and by the time I realized my oversight, it was too late! I tried to make up for that by taking a picture of the THREE pieces of pumpkin pie that I took home "for my family." Right. They were really delicious!

It was a delicious and meaningful morning and we thank all those who organized and participated in it.

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