Friday, June 22, 2012

Insider Tips and Party Planning

In June, we had a wonderful Additional Meeting in Mary Alice's beautiful back yard. The day started out threatening (and even producing) rain, but the clouds parted, and even went so far as to disappear, as we started the meeting. Mary Alice declared it an Additional Meeting Miracle! We had a presentation by Jane Rhodes on party planning, complete with decorating instructions and a chance to make our own party hats.

There was also a bar-b-q theme, with succulents in upcycled cans and custom made water bottle labels.

We also got a chance to share our favorite insider tips with each other. We were able to learn about good restaurants, stores (with discounts!), and some online secrets. There was a list of these and even more tips that Mary Alice emailed to us. A great resource!

There were beautiful rainbow fruit skewers to eat. Delicious, nutritious and gorgeous!

This was our final meeting until the fall. See you then!

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